Nov 12, 2008

27th Thing - Forming Internet Gambling Addictions

Everyone needs a hobby. Some people take up knitting. Some people start jar collections, play ping pong, or fake their own deaths and move to Panama. And the common denominator with all these things is fun.

Regular gambling addictions have been around for centuries, perhaps since money was invented. And even before that, wives were berating husbands for flushing the family's sheep and goat balance down the toilet. But the internet age has ushered in a new form of this traditional pastime.

Here are the top advantages for Internet Gambling Addictions. Maybe some motivated individual can do up a glossy brochure for our patrons.

* Unlike the stools at the pokies, computer chairs have wheels. Wheels = more fun.
* If you have a wireless connection and can multi-task, you can carry on your hobby during family mealtimes, in boardroom meetings, and on vacations.
* While entering your credit card details on gambling websites does mean that you will be financially penalized if you have a run of bad luck, it still doesn't feel as real real as actual in-your-wallet money. So there's less guilt and you feel better about losing.
* It is the ideal hobby for people who are allergic to sunlight, as you never have to leave your darkened computer room.
* Stress from the pressure of trying to perfect your poker face is eliminated.

So what are you waiting for?

Next time, 28th Thing - Finding Eternal Love in Internet Chatrooms.


Anon. said...

I'll bet you any money I don't have a gambling problem.

McLindy said...

haha. seek professional help.